1 Faculty Member, Department of Islamic Thought and Foundations, Higher Education Complex of Islamic History and Civilization - Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran
2 Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom, Iran
3 Department of Islamic Theology, Faculty of Wisdom and Religious Studies, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran
SUBJECT & OBJECTIVES: The analysis of the nature, characteristics and differences of modern spiritualism with religious spirituality can be considered as one of the most important challenges and problems that have faced spirituality and mysticism. Today, the confrontation between modern spirituality and religious spirituality has become very colourful such that modern spirituality seeks to discredit and contradict religious spirituality. Therefore, they mainly seek to present non-religious spirituality based on the inefficiency of religious spirituality. From the perspective of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, religious spirituality is a "Revolutionary" spirituality, which is equivalent to: Jihadi spirituality, civilization, justice, revolutionary, epic, liberating from domination, martyrdom and progressivism in his statements.
METHOD & FINDING: Using the analytical-descriptive method, the findings of the research indicate that the practical functions of Islamic spirituality based on the thought of the Supreme Leader combining the triad "spirituality, rationality, justice" in the individual and family arena (lifestyle) are: prosperity and happiness, scientific growth, security, comfort and well-being, hope, independence and freedom, honour and dignity, Justice, financial well-being, heart luminosity which move towards "good life."
CONCLUSION: In the Islamic spirituality of the Supreme Leader, what is very prominent is the unity of materiality and spirituality. In his careful inference, the way to achieve spirituality in the personal and family spheres, both worldly and material life, is important, and it is the main pillar of achieving the Qur'anic good life.
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